
积极主动地谈论职业发展机会, 职业方向, 和实习.

作为一个圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app的学生, 积极主动地谈论职业发展机会, 职业方向, 和实习. 

我们有一些资源可以帮助父母. 看一下 毕业生就业调查数据 and see the success recent graduates had in finding employment or acceptance into graduate school.

随时拨打563-333-6339了解如何 学术及职业规划处 (ACP)可以在你的学生现在和将来的生活中扮演重要的角色.


  • Encourage your student to visit the 学术及职业规划处 early and often in their college career. They can visit with a Career Advisor, develop a résumé, complete a mock interview, attend 人才招聘会往往会,完成 实习. 这些只是通过学术和职业规划提供的一些服务.

"Students who use the career center four or more times a semester are more likely to have job offers than those who use it once a semester."

  • 鼓励你的学生去看看 主要的地图 for their specific major to learn more about how to work toward career success during college. 这些地图帮助学生找到适合他们的下一步, 不管他们在职业生涯的哪个阶段. 
  • 支持学生对职业选择的探索, 和他们谈谈职业规划, 在他们考虑各种选择的时候要有耐心. 
  • 如果你的学生似乎不确定, 指出你认为他们的才能和优势, and recommend they contact the ACP for a self-assessment inventory or to research a variety of career fields and employers. 职业决定应该是一个过程,而不是一次性的, last-minute event; discourage them from putting off a decision until senior year.
  • Introduce your student to people in professional fields who can share career information/job shadowing opportunities and advice. 鼓励你的学生管理他们的就业账户, 实习, mentoring opportunities and to develop a professional social media brand for effective networking.
  • Support and encourage involvement in leadership and student organization activities, 无论是校内还是校外.
  • Employers seek students with the following attributes: leadership, desired major, high GPA (3.0或以上), 参加课外活动(俱乐部), 体育, 学生政府), 参与志愿者工作, 流利的一门外语, 以及留学经历.
  • 强调通过面试获得工作相关经验的重要性 实习比如,合作社、志愿服务、暑期和/或兼职工作.
  • The 学术及职业规划处 does not "place" your student in a job at graduation. Colleges grant degrees and assist students in gaining career-related skills and knowledge. 在竞争激烈的就业市场中拥有相关经验是至关重要的.


  • 和你的学生交谈,让他们参与进来. 有时,你的儿子或女儿似乎不想和你说话. 要有耐心,保持沟通渠道畅通. People of all ages need a varying degree of space at different times in their lives. 然而,大多数人并不想“独自完成”.多鼓励少批评是一条“黄金法则”." Modeling good 沟通 and negotiation skills provide building blocks your student will need to master. 
  • 鼓励你的学生探索职业选择并参观我们的中心. We can help students decide their career paths and develop plans to reach their goal.
  • Suggest a job shadow in your hometown or ask the 职业中心 to locate a practitioner in the QC area.
  • 参加俱乐部和组织 在校园帮助学生适应他们的家外之家. 有组织的活动填补了空闲时间, 帮助学生交朋友, 并提供精神发展的机会, 身体上的, 社会, 和艺术. 除了沟通技巧, employers look for leadership and the ability to multi-task in potential employees. 参加大学活动是展示这些技能的一种方式.
  • 支持学生的校内工作. 这种经历可能是展示积极职业道德的第一步. 今天的兼职工作将影响未来的就业. Work study and temporary campus jobs can be the practice field for your student's skill development in time-management, 多任务, 沟通, 决策, 会议的最后期限, 等. 鼓励你的学生准时上班, 自信地行动, 当其他学生被分配更简单的项目时,也不要抱怨. If your student was not awarded work study funding they may look at other options to earn money: tutoring, 保姆, 或者在奎德城地区做兼职.
  • Suggest to your student that he/she begin their summer job search during winter break. Students who jump-start their careers with related work experiences are more likely to land that desired job after graduation. Your student will need to start building a résumé so they can apply for these positions.

Should I be concerned if my student is undecided on a major field of study or wants to change majors?
许多学生在上大学时就带着预先设定的职业目标. 随着学生对自己的技能有了更好的理解, 利益, 价值观可能会改变他们的职业方向.

The curriculum of a liberal arts education allows students to find that understanding at an earlier level through general education requirements. 此外, 职业中心 我能帮上忙 职业及专业探索. Students are encouraged to identify their greatest abilities and strengths in a variety of courses. A significant number of students change their 职业方向 during the first two years of college. 

我希望我的学生毕业后能找到合适的工作. 我能帮什么忙??
Today's candidates for employment MUST be able to demonstrate they can apply what they learned in their academic program to real-life work experience. 这就是为什么实习很重要. 鼓励你的学生参观就业中心并参加实习, 礼仪晚餐, 人才招聘会往往会,以及校园招聘. 参与程度越高, 毕业后找到理想工作的可能性就越大.

Remind your student that social media profiles should not be used to impress their friends, 而是为了给招聘经理和招聘人员留下深刻印象.


Today's candidates for employment MUST be able to demonstrate they can apply what they learned in their academic program to real-life work experience. 这就是为什么实习和合作教育很重要.

Encourage your student to visit the 职业中心 and take part in résumé workshops, 模拟面试, 实习, 礼仪晚餐, 人才招聘会往往会,以及校园招聘. 参与程度越高, 毕业后找到理想工作的可能性就越大.

  • 更新的简历
  • 起草一封适应性强的求职信
  • 模拟面试
  • 写你的LinkedIn简介
  • 参加志愿者工作
  • 申请 实习
  • 加入SAU组织或galaxy银河娱乐场app组织
  • 查看兼职工作列表,了解相关工作经验

Fall is the time to gently nudge your student to visit the 职业中心 if he or she is not already a frequent visitor. Internships and cooperative education experiences may still be arranged; it is definitely not too late.

  • 要求看一下你学生的履历. You may be delighted to find skills listed that demonstrate your student's ability.
  • 考虑送职业装作为生日礼物或其他礼物. 今年和将来的面试都需要它.
  • 帮助你的学生列出你所在地区的潜在雇主名单. Your local media and everyday 联系人 may be offering an 实习 of which your student may not know.
  • 鼓励你的学生参加 就业中心活动.
  • 谈谈做一个自信的面试者的重要性. 建议模拟面试. Students practice interviewing with Human Resource professionals from companies throughout the Quad Cities area during our Career Fair Prep Week each semester. Talk about some of the regrettable and more pleasant interviews you experienced. 你的学生需要知道你是否也经历过面试前的紧张.
  • 你的学生在考虑读研吗? Encourage them to start studying for grad school admissions exams and attend one of the 职业中心's personal statement workshops. 他们需要在大四的早期开始申请研究生院.

哇! 时间过得真快. 你的学生正在向自给自足过渡. You are keenly aware of how your relationship with your student is changing every day. 你的轻推现在只是提供帮助.

  • Ask your "almost graduate" if they would like you to distribute their résumé to the Human Resource Director in your company, 联系人, 或者是能帮上忙的朋友. 这是一个竞争激烈的就业市场,这只是营销的一种方式. Encourage your student to make this step on their own; you are the backup promoter. All other things being equal (experience, grade points, activities) it comes down to whom you know. Perhaps this person of influence could also review your graduate's résumé and give some pointers. If your student graciously accepts the critique, it might be an opening to a potential job.
  • 跟踪你所在领域和公司的职位空缺. 给你的学生发一封通知邮件. 询问他们对这个机会的看法.
  • 让你的学生知道你已经访问了就业中心的网站. 鼓励他们参加就业中心的活动.


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